Jazz is ElemenTREE

Janet and Sven - jazz is elemenTREE

Program created by Janet Tenaj and Sven Anderson, M.M.

Jazz Is ElemenTREE’s theme “The Jazz Forest” demonstrates not only through characters that are Forest Trees, Animals, Plants (as well as, the earth and elements of the universe) an introduction to the world of jazz but to the world/universe at large. This invites the opportunity to teach respect and appreciation of our environment, each other, as well as the diverse scope of jazz.

Jazz Is ElemenTREE has been taught as part of a school curriculum in five different educational settings and has proved to be a beneficial program with links to educational standards of core curriculum (i.e. – Math, Science and Language Arts).

The class is an interactive musical appreciation class for children and adults alike.

The course has been set up so that a teacher with no prior musical knowledge will be able to teach the class following teacher training through Workshops (for 2 – 3 days or residency for one week).

Using the metaphor of “The Jazz Forest” we can “plant the seeds’ for the education and preservation of jazz and the environment.

Janet and Sven - Scat Kids copy 1
Janet and Sven - Gorilla Color


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